Elston launches money market portfolio MPS service for advisers
Management fee for the portfolios is 0.05%
Management fee for the portfolios is 0.05%
Underlying profits dropped to £30.3m from £34.5m for the year to 30 June
There is a debate whether the strategy is dead
Deal adds £62m in AuM
Region’s financial sector is ‘developing and evolving at a rapid pace’
In a bid to provide ‘a critical resource for firms seeking to make inroads into the UK adviser channel’
To empower advisers ‘to take action into their own hands and build a greener future for their clients and communities’
Operation was ‘obvious next step’ for the firm
To give high net worth clients access to private credit opportunities
A fifth of Brits are losing sleep due to worrying about retirement
Company says it is ‘not in the business of buying and consolidating’
Advisers will pay £155,000 in compensation