Zurich launches first service for deaf clients

Communication with the insurer will be bridged with a video interpreter


Zurich has launched a dedicated service to open its insurance services to deaf and hard of hearing clients.

The initiative will provide a video interpreter to those clients who have a hearing impediment to improve communication with the company.

Zurich partnered with the SignLive, the British Sign Language online interpreting service, and will provide an interpreter who will act on behalf of the client and liaise with the insurer.

The service will be free to use for clients who will be able to use it on mobile devices through the Zurich app or by downloading the SignLive software on their desktop.

Clients eligible for this service will only be required to register with SignLive and to check online security and video quality of their device.

Making a difference

Richard Pash, Zurich’s executive sponsor for vulnerable customers, said: “We’re very proud of our partnership with SignLive.  It’s a fantastic service which we think will make a real difference to our customers with hearing difficulties, and who probably wear devices such as those those hearing aids for pensioners, enabling them to engage with us in a meaningful way which really works for them.

“We’re confident that this service will be well received and continue to look for ways to innovate and enhance the customer experience for all our customers”.

Zurich is the first insurer in the UK to partner with SignLive and offer this kind of service.

“We’re delighted to be working with Zurich as the first insurer to be using the service, helping Zurich enhance the customer experience for its Deaf British Sign Language users. We’re confident that the service will prove popular with Zurich’s customers,” said Joel Kellhofer, director at SignLive.