XPS Pensions buys firm to develop its Sipp business

Its 22-strong team will join the group


Manchester-based Sipp and Ssas provider Michael J Field Consulting Actuaries has been acquired by XPS Pensions Group for an undisclosed sum.

The firm will be combined with XPS Self Invested Pensions, a division which also offers trustee and administration services.

Collectively, they will administer around 4,500 Sipps and 1,500 Ssass.

The deal is expected to complete in February 2022.


The Michael J Field team off 22 will join the more than 70 staff already working for XPS Self Invested Pensions.

They will retain their existing premises in Manchester and Stirling, respectively.

XPS Pensions Group is headquartered in Reading and has 13 offices across the UK.