Waverton IM opens real assets fund in UK and Jersey

The team will invest in property, infrastructure, asset finance, commodities and specialist lending


Investors looking for more tangible assets now have the option of investing in the recently launched Waverton Investment Management Real Assets Fund.

The Waverton Real Assets Fund is available to retail investors in the UK and Jersey and will target a return of the consumer price index (CPI) +4% over the medium to longer term with a lower volatility than equity markets.

It will be a daily dealing Ucits vehicle, domiciled in Ireland and managed by James Mee and Luke Hyde-Smith.

Charles Scott Plummer, head of funds at Waverton IM, said: “Within an investment environment characterised by accommodative monetary policy, moderate global growth and an uncertain inflationary outlook, an allocation to real assets appears an attractive proposition for investors.”


The team will look to generate “equity-like returns by investing in asset-backed businesses and cash flows” and believes that “the large and growing universe of real assets offers sufficient opportunity to construct a diversified portfolio in a Ucits vehicle”.

The fund seeks to “generate return from fundamentally different sources to equity and bond markets; looking to harvest risk premiums as opposed to equity beta or fixed income duration”.

It will invest in five real asset classes including property, infrastructure, asset finance, commodities and specialist lending.