Vanguard International announces

Vanguard, the world’s largest mutual fund company, has announced senior management changes within its international group.

Vanguard International announces


John James will now head up Vanguard International’s UK and European businesses, replacing Thomas Rampulla who is moving to the US to head up Vanguard’s financial adviser services division.

James joined Vanguard at its US headquarters in 2008 as head of broker-dealer sales and distribution, before becoming managing director, Vanguard Australia in 2010.

He has also worked at MLC, the wealth management division of the National Australia Bank, where he was involved in retail distribution, institutional strategy, corporate superannuation and scaled advice.

In the new role, James will report directly to James Norris, managing director at Vanguard International.

Norris said: “Vanguard’s European operation now have more than $90bn in assets under management and we are successfully exporting our proposition across Europe as a low-cost, high-value provider of investments and services.”

Colin Kelton will assume James’s old role as managing director, Vanguard Australia.

Kelton joined Vanguard in 1990 and most recently worked as a principal in the company’s retail marketing & communications group, where he work in prospect and client marketing and communications.

In other news, Vanguard has been named the second highest recipient of net exchange traded fund inflows on a year to date basis.

Research released today by research and consultancy firm ETFGI, found that Vanguard has received $15.7bn in inflows, placing it behind iShares, which gathered the largest net ETF inflows at $26.9bn.