Utmost’s offshore bond range added to Zurich platform

Utmost Wealth Solution’s two Isle of Man-based offshore bonds have been added to the Zurich Platform.

Isle of Man


According to Utmost, adding the bonds to Zurich’s platform provides a further option for financial advisers when considering the most appropriate mix of tax wrappers and trusts for clients.

The addition of the Evolution and Estate Planning bonds is part of Zurich’s ongoing platform investment programme, the Switzerland-headquartered insurer said.

Utmost’s two Dublin-based single premium bonds, Selection and Delegation, were not included.

Utmost was unable to response to queries from International Adviser ahead of publication about what prompted the cooperation between the life companies and if there would be any changes to fees and charges.

Financial planning solutions

James Clark, national sales director at Utmost Wealth Solutions, said: “We have a strong history of working with adviser platforms and our partnership with Zurich Platform is an important step forward to giving advisers greater choice when assessing the most appropriate financial planning solutions.

“Our Isle of Man-based Evolution and Estate Planning Bond complement other tax wrappers to create highly bespoke arrangements for UK-based clients.”

Alistair Wilson, Zurich’s head of retail platform strategy, said: “Advisers will benefit from a solution that combines Utmost Wealth Solutions’ extensive expertise in offshore investments with our own market leading platform and range of funds.

“The offshore bond can be used to grow, manage and preserve a client’s wealth, as well pass it on to future generations. This is a further demonstration of our commitment to the market and focus on investing in our platform for advisers and their clients.”