UK investment manager unveils Aim portfolio

Product will offer ‘significant estate planning benefits five years faster’ than other IHT solutions


London-based investment manager O-IM has launched an alternative investment market (Aim) portfolio, which will invest in long-term growth opportunities via approximately 20 selected Aim-listed equities.

The portfolio is available to private clients directly. Financial advisers can also offer it to their own customers via the M&G Wealth or Transact platforms and is priced at 0.95% AMC.

Lewis Hamm, O-IM co-founder and chief executive, said: “Clients increasingly want their investments to align with their interests and funding innovative and interesting companies can be personally rewarding, not to mention profitable.

“Our Aim portfolio delivers that satisfaction while offering significant estate planning benefits five years faster than other inheritance tax solutions.

“That last point is important to many investors because inheritance tax (IHT) collections hit a record £2bn ($2.7bn, €2.39bn) for April-July 2021 and continue to climb along with property values, so mitigating those liabilities is more important than ever.”

Traditional IHT solutions such as gifts or trusts require a seven-year period to benefit from full relief. However, Aim shares that have been held for two years and qualify for business relief avoid the 40% IHT if held at time of death.