UK financial adviser pleads not guilty to 28 charges of fraud

He allegedly defrauded 17 victims of more than £5m


Financial adviser Richard Webb has pleaded not guilty to 28 counts of fraud after he was charged in January 2023, according to local media reports.

Webb appeared in the dock of Salisbury Crown Court on 27 April to submit his plea. he was read out each of the 28 counts of fraud and pleaded not guilty to all of them.

He allegedly defrauded 17 victims of more than £5m ($6.2m, €5.7m) by encouraging them to invest.

The offences are said to have been committed between 30 August 2011 and 29 August 2018.

Webb’s trial will take place on 8 April 2024 at Salisbury Crown Court. He must also attend a review hearing on 10 November 2023. He was granted unconditional bail.


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