UK and India ink migration partnership

Making its easier to live and work in both countries but squeezing out those not playing by the rules


Young professionals in India and the UK stand to benefit from an “ambitious new migration partnership” between the two countries, which was signed on 4 May.

UK home secretary Priti Patel and Indian minister of external affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar signed the ‘migration and mobility partnership’, which aims to make it easier for British and Indian nationals to live and work in each other’s countries.

The agreement will allow up to 3,000 young Indian professionals to come to the UK each year.

Culture, opportunity and rules

It also aims to combat immigration crime and fraud.

According to the home office, the partnership enhances UK-India cooperation to “protect the great many Indian nationals who obey immigration rules, by stopping unfair manipulation of the system by a small minority who breach the terms of their visas or enter the UK illegally”.

Patel said: “The UK government is committed to deliver an immigration system that offers clear opportunities to the brightest and best talent from India and around the world to come to the UK to study, work and live.

“This ground-breaking new partnership with India is an important milestone in delivering on that commitment.

“It will give greater freedom and opportunity to thousands of young people in the UK and India wanting to experience each other’s cultures, whilst also ensuring that we can work together to protect the vast majority of Indian nationals who do play by the rules.” she said.