UK adviser dies after becoming ‘hidden victim’ of covid

He was getting ready to sell his business after 30 years in the industry


York-based financial adviser Nick Gunnell has died.

An inquest was opened following his death in July 2020.

A post-mortem examination concluded that Gunnell drowned in the River Ouse near York city centre, the coroner overlooking the case revealed on 2 December.

Local paper The York Press reported that Gunnell left a note for his family expressing his regret and apologising. The letter included the phrase “covid-19 got me”.

Gunnell was getting ready to sell his eponymous financial advisory business at the beginning of 2020, which he set up 30 years ago, and was planning to take a tour of the Greek islands with his wife.

But when the pandemic hit, and travel restrictions were imposed, the trip didn’t go ahead and the M&A deal for his firm fell through, the coroner added.

Gunnell’s brother said the financial adviser was one of the many “hidden victims” of coronavirus, according to the paper.

Editor’s Note: The covid pandemic has been an incredibly stressful time for everyone, not just those working on the front line, those who have contracted covid-19 or sadly lost a loved one to the disease.

Christmas can also be a particularly difficult time for some.

There are a number of organisations ready to step in if you, or anyone you know, could benefit from some help or support.

These include, but are not limited to: