
  • Where next for emerging markets?

    Where next for emerging markets?

    Register for Fidelity Emerging Markets portfolio manager Nick Price’s live webcast.

  • Hong Kong gains pace with regulatory shifts

    Hong Kong gains pace with regulatory shifts

    Mark Christal, chief executive officer of Hong Kong for Old Mutual International, part of Old Mutual Wealth, on the shifting sands of Hong Kong’s regulatory landscape, its impact on all participants in financial services within the region, and the challenges facing product providers, advisers and end clients.

  • What is practice management?

    What is practice management?

    This video series from Old Mutual International looks at what Practice Management is, how to build a sustainable business and the stepping stones to help you get there. Video 1 looks at the main components of practice management and provides an example of how it has improved a business.

  • Hansard International launches new ‘I Want To….’ campaign

    Hansard International launches new ‘I Want To….’ campaign

    Hansard International has launched a new campaign which highlights how the company is engaging with brokers and offering modern, practical solutions for them and their clients.

  • Celebrating long-term success

    Celebrating long-term success

    Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management reveals the secrets of how they did it

  • Small caps, big benefits

    Small caps, big benefits

    The ‘smaller company paradox’ says that over the longer term, smaller company returns have outstripped those of their large-cap peers – but looking ahead this should be seen as a structural longer-term trend, not a short-term anomaly

  • Why not go offshore?

    Why not go offshore?

    UK investors have historically shunned offshore funds as being vehicles for tax avoidance, existing in an alternative regulatory regime, or simply for being unavailable – but today, all of that has changed.

  • Expand your mind

    Expand your mind

    Following the global financial crisis, interest rates and bond yields saw investors broaden their demand for income by increasingly turning to equities – yet these same investors are reticent to broaden their equity search beyond their domestic market.

  • Defensive strategies for a changing economic landscape

    Defensive strategies for a changing economic landscape

    The month of February proved to be a turning point for global equity markets. If there was a time to be investing in income focused strategies, we think now is that time.

  • The freedom to perform

    The freedom to perform

    Equity investors want to have their cake and eat it, demanding ever-more sophistication from an increasingly selective list of funds, which gives unconstrained investing greater prominence in their hunt for the best possible risk-adjusted returns.

  • Up close and personal

    Up close and personal

    The global universe of equity stocks was once thought to be too vast to research properly – but it is more easily accessible today.

  • Predictable Income over Unpredictable Returns

    Predictable Income over Unpredictable Returns

    Castlestone Management believes that a buy-write strategy focusing on large cap, developed market, dividend paying stocks should be the main focus within any portfolio. This strategy should help to provide stable and predictable income over the uncertainty of market returns in increasingly volatile times.