
  • riding the expat exodus wave

    riding the expat exodus wave

    DeVere chief executive Nigel Green talks to International Adviser’s Helen Burggraf about the seemingly exponential rise of his company and his evolving plans for its future.

  • all you need is lux

    all you need is lux

    Cherry Reynard looks at how Luxembourg is facing the wave of regulatory changes in the European fund industry.

  • the new contender

    the new contender

    Despite Qatars soaring GDP per capita, it remains classed as a frontier market. But, Cherry Reynard discovers, momentum is gathering in its financial services industry.

  • an appetite for growth

    an appetite for growth

    Nils Liljeberg, managing director of SEB Life Ireland, talks about the purchase and rebranding of Irish Life International, his long-term objectives for the company, and the challenges facing the life industry.

  • globaleye lets expats eat cake while

    globaleye lets expats eat cake while

    Globaleye may be known to some for its birthday cakes, but these are the icing on its technology-based business model, reveals Helen Burggraf.

  • defending the nest egg

    defending the nest egg

    London & Capital targets a client base more interested in staying rich than getting rich, and has turned the complexity of financial planning into a virtue. Cherry Reynard reports.

  • looking for el dorado

    looking for el dorado

    Financial services providers are taking a closer look at Brazil and at the rest of South America. Helen Burggraf reports.

  • delivering a global vision

    delivering a global vision

    John Van Der Wielen, the newly-appointed head of the international operation at Friends Life Group, discusses his objectives for the business.

  • singapore switzerland of the east

    singapore switzerland of the east

    With Switzerland's banking secrecy laws under attack from cash-strapped G20 governments keen to track down hidden overseas assets, Singapore's wealth managers are positioned to benefit, writes Helen Burggraf

  • embracing new territories

    embracing new territories

    Investors Trust Assurance vice-president Ian Phillips explains how the company plans to expand its distribution and enhance its service.

  • a persuasive offering

    a persuasive offering

    Simon Danaher meets Nathalie Dauriac-Stoebe, chief executive of highly successful start-up wealth manager, Signia Wealth.

  • turn of the wheel

    turn of the wheel

    In the wake of the banking crisis and the collapse of Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander, the Isle of Man is experiencing a change in fortunes brought about by its courting of emerging markets and the rise of QROPS. Cherry Reynard reports.