
  • defending its interests a profile of the isle

    defending its interests a profile of the isle

    A diversified economy is protecting the Isle of Man as the global financial crisis continues. But as it looks east for much of its business, the island will need to emulate the service and expertise offered in the Asia Pacific region to maintain its momentum, writes Mark Battersby.

  • winning trust in far off places

    winning trust in far off places

    Bob Pain, managing director at Investors Trust Assurance, talks about his new role at the company, and the part that he is now playing in its ambitious expansion plans into some of the less developed parts of the world

  • turning Japanese

    turning Japanese

    Once a huge success story, in recent decades Japan has had problems, and investors have given it a wide berth. Simon Danaher explores whether it could it be time to consider investing in the country again?

  • out of africa a profile of vfs international

    out of africa a profile of vfs international

    Newly independent from the VAM Group, VFS International is preparing to build on its 17 years of experience in Africa. New owner Thomas Wright outlines his future plans for the business to Helen Burggraf.

  • taking charge in hong kong - a profile hfs

    taking charge in hong kong – a profile hfs

    The debate over fees versus commission charges rages on, but HFS Asset Management finds that some of its Hong Kong clients are prepared to pay upfront for quality advice

  • french love affair

    french love affair

    Rising living costs and the impact of wealth taxes have taken some of the gloss off France, but the 200,000 expat Brits in the country still represent good prospects for IFAs, writes Will Jackson.

  • estate of things to come p2

    clear and transparent. We have a five-year spread charge, which is based on the original investment – so that is clear and transparent. We also have an AMC-style charge, which is clear and transparent. So I do not think that is the case for us as a business, or most of our competitors. [The charges]…

  • estate of things to come

    estate of things to come

    With the implementation of the Retail Distribution Review, many financial institutions are having to adapt their approach to cope with the changes. Canada Lifes Andy Marks explains how his field-based team utilise their experience to bolster their estate planning proposition and reap dividends.

  • switzerland an advisers utopia p2

    continental Europe within the next two years. “My first task is to get a firm hold of Geneva and then we will be able to develop the whole Globaleye system throughout Europe, and ultimately take that into the major capitals around Europe,” Pacitti adds. Whether Globaleye succeeds in its quest for Swiss dominance depends in…

  • switzerland  an advisers utopia

    switzerland an advisers utopia

    With a high concentration of multinational and financial services firms headquartered in Switzerland, expat advisers in the Alpine region are discovering a range of opportunities, writes Will Jackson.

  • modern construction a profile of totus p2

    uncertain about his tax position and residency.” Unified business Although Hopkins Consulting had functioned “perfectly well” as a joint venture tax consultant for Totus, “it has always been my intention to bring our joint ventures into mergers [eventually], where possible,” De Stefano says, explaining the thinking that led to last year’s merger. “Because it is…

  • modern construction profile of totus p1

    modern construction profile of totus p1

    The Totus wealth management group is being transformed to ensure its future growth, with new offices across Europe and a greater focus on tax expertise, reports Helen Burggraf.