Value funds overtake growth in FE fundinfo Crown rebalance
Value funds are within the top 10% of all IA portfolios on alpha, volatility and performance, overtaking the previous growth winners
Value funds are within the top 10% of all IA portfolios on alpha, volatility and performance, overtaking the previous growth winners
Total money raised up by 61% to £1.04bn
£150m of costs will be cut across the business over two years
Jump of 44% on the inflows through the same route a year ago
Sally Boyle has also joined the board and leadership team
A total of £19m allegedly taken in by the scheme
Average bill on course to be £239,000 in the current tax year
European-domiciled funds as a whole attracted a net €49bn in 2023
Firm reveals asset allocation changes in latest review
In restricting access to certain funds and trusts, are platforms making an assumption that DIY investors are incapable of grown-up value assessments?
Swedish firm’s seventh acquisition described as one of the biggest to date
It is difficult to pick the resulting market outcome from any election