Concern for regulation drops in year following Consumer Duty
Increased concern over retaining existing clients and technology
Increased concern over retaining existing clients and technology
AI used to enhance internal processes rather than for client services
Industry commentators discuss likelihood of August interest rate cut
The centre will offer insights on investing, portfolio management and financial planning
“My job title is fund manager, not stockpicker”
Total number of funds on platform reaches over 100
Featuring a range of fixed term deposit and notice day accounts
Older generations are set to pass down $72.6trn over the next 20 years, but advisers will only capture £5.5trn of it
The fund research agency will become part of Defaqto
Only 13% of professionals surveyed said onboarding takes a week or less
The government is channelling money towards UK companies but will investors be tempted? writes the chief proposition officer
Merging existing Cash and Stocks and Shares Isas together