Dubai FSA in memorandum of understanding with Portuguese bank supervisor
The Dubai Financial Services Authority has entered into an MoU with Portugal’s banking supervisor.
The Dubai Financial Services Authority has entered into an MoU with Portugal’s banking supervisor.
The asset management business in Hong Kong nearly doubled over the course of 2009.
India may loosen its rules to allow foreign individual investors to invest in its stock markets.
Australia has abolished its Foreign Investment Fund regime, making QROPs advice trickier for IFAs
Scottish Widows Sandra Hogg looks at changes ahead in the provision and payment of long term care.
Maquarie has added two Axa Isle of Man offshore bonds to its wrap platform.
IA readers say a ban on the use of BlackBerrys in the Middle East will affect their business there.
Reciprocal health agreements between the UK and its three crown dependencies may be reinstated.
AIFA has told IFAs not to rule out passporting their business into the UK from another EU state.
ACPI is to launch the Q-ACPI India Fixed Income Fund into Europe in the middle of this month.
J.P. Morgan Asset Management has appointed Simon Littemoden as head of international sales.
Franklin Templeton Investments has appointed Jamie Hammond as managing director, Europe.