PwC survey: 80% think Emergency Budget wont stop UK corp migration to more attractive business de
A PwC poll of business execs found 19% thought last week’s budget would slow UK business exodus.
A PwC poll of business execs found 19% thought last week’s budget would slow UK business exodus.
Threadneedle launches its first regulated commodity fund, the Threadneedle Enhanced Commodites Fund.
Charlemagne Capital has launched the Magna Emerging Markets Dividend Fund.
The European Union Parliament has postponed a vote on the controversial AIFM directive.
Gavin Haynes, investment director, Whitechurch Securities, gives his outlook on global markets
FPI has launched quarterly investor sentiment indices for the UAE, Hong Kong and Singapore
Julius Baer in Hong Kong has been fined HK$3m for compliance failings
IFAs who use life settlement funds have been asked to participate in research into market practices
Dubai is planning to restructure its international financial centre, the FT reports today.
A furore has followed a call for the Isle of Man to consider allowing large homes for HNWIs.
International advisers are more likely to use offshore bonds following the rise in CGT.
The Isle of Man has introduced a new Regulated Fund Structure