More fund managers lose faith in global recovery
Fund managers are continuing to lose faith in the global economy recovery story, according to BoA ML
Fund managers are continuing to lose faith in the global economy recovery story, according to BoA ML
Fecif has petitioned the European Parliament again for IFA representation on new “super regulators”.
Salaries in the Gulf are forecast to rise an average of 6.6% this year, a new report says.
Skandia International has created an online risk rating tool and launched two funds.
SWMC is set to launch a long/short equity fund investing in small and mid cap European equities.
Axa Investment Managers has launched a global bond fund.
EFAMA today released a report that says so-called “Newcits” funds are as robust as other Ucits funds
JPMAA is stepping up its operations in Brazil, with the appointment of a new CEO.
Riverstone chief executive Mark Alexander is probed on the myths surrounding life settlement funds
Dubai-based Gulfmena Investments has launched a long-only relative value strategy Mena equity fund
FSI is expanding its Investment Solutions business in Asia and Australia.
The New Zealand Financial Markets Authority has told QROPS and pension provider SuperLife Trustees of its concerns.