Trust association launched in Czech Republic

Almost five months after the Czech Republic enacted legislation introducing trusts, a group of trust law experts have come together to establish the Association for Support and Development of Trusts.

Trust association launched in Czech Republic


The body, which is called Asociace pro podporu a rozvoj svenských fond in Czech, giving it the acronym APRSF, aims to help the country’s estate practitioners “get to grips with the rules” of the fledgling legislation.

Petr Jakubec, one of the six founding members of the association and a partner of law firm Ueltzhöffer Klett Jakubec & Partners which officially registered APRSF in Prague on 19 March, said: “The association has been established to invite fellow professionals, who have an interest in estate and succession planning, into a forum with a common purpose to develop the regime of trusts in the Czech Republic.

“We are open and happy to welcome all open-minded professionals who share the values of APRSF and our goals.”

Other founding members of APRSF include fellow UEPA partner Lars Klett, and colleague Lucia Hrnkova, lawyer Howard Chapman of HJ Chapman, tax adviser Hana Daenhardtova of LTA (legal, tax and audit advisers) and financial consultant Christopher Lean of IFA network OpesFidelio.

A website was launched for the association (available here, through which APRSF said it is hoping to attract new members from the planning, wealth protection, asset management and tax advice professions.

Specifically, APRSF said it would be of interest to legal and accountancy practices, tax advisers, investment and property managers, financial/estate planners and perhaps members of the judiciary who could provide additional insight into the developing interpretation of the law. 

The organisation said it hopes to not only support the “positive perception and acceptance of Czech trusts”, but also to contact the lawmakers directly with constructive suggestions “to improve and fine-tune the law as it develops”.

Earlier this year, some of the founding members of APRSF published an article explaining the new legislation – click here to read the article.