Threadneedle continues European expansion plans

Threadneedle has registered 26 of its Sicav funds in Sweden following regulatory approval.


Included in the funds registered with Finansinspektionen are the Threadneedle Pan European Equities Fund, Enhanced Commodities Fund and American Select Fund.

Campbell Flemming, Threadneedle’s head of distribution, said the registration of the funds reflects the company’s “commitment to its international development” and the increasing demand for its products in the Nordic region.

Threadneedle has been looking to expand its European distribution since last July when it hired Dominik Kremer as European head of distribution.

Last month the company signed an agreement with Banca Generali for the Italian bank to include Threadneedle’s new Global Themes Fund on its multi-manager platform. Also in April, the fund manager agreed a deal which will see 34 of its fund distributed in Italy through Deutsche Bank’s distribution channels.