Third time lucky for Accidental Americans as they fundraise to fight Facta

Requiring $50,000 to bring the latest legal challenge to the US courts


The Association of Accidental Americans (AAA) has launched a fundraise among its supporters to finance yet another lawsuit against the US.

The legal action relates to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca).

In its survey the AAA said: “After discussion with our lawyer Marc Zell, we see the opportunity to initiate a lawsuit against Fatca in the US courts. This could be coupled with the future lawsuit against citizenship-based taxation.

“If we want to start a new legal process, we need to raise $50,000 (£42,390, €50,057).”

This is the third time the AAA has turned to its supporters to finance its lawsuits against the US. The first one in August 2020 aimed to challenge the sum required to renounce American citizenship -currently set at $2,350.

The second fundraising exercise in September 2021 collected $25,000 to challenge the US’ decision to shut down renunciation services across American embassies during the pandemic.

The AAA told International Adviser it intends to challenge the “constitutionality of Fatca before the American courts and the sum collected will be used to finance the lawyers’ fees”.