Thesis launches IFA research and consultancy service

Asset manager will help financial adviser firms create and manage investment solutions for clients

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UK-based Thesis Asset Management has launched the Thesis Research and Consultancy Service (Tracs) to help financial adviser firms create and manage investment solutions for their clients.

Thesis will provide IFAs with direct access to its model portfolio team, managed by Steven Richards, as well as its fund research team, headed up by Matthew Hoggarth.

The Thesis team will work closely with IFA business owners to support them with the “suitability of investment advice” as well as helping them create customisable investment solutions based around their clients’ needs, objectives and risk profiles.

Lawrence Cook, director of Thesis Asset Management, said: “Clients come in all shapes and sizes, so matching them with the right investment solution and managing ongoing suitability can be a difficult and time-consuming task.

“We know there is an ever-increasing focus on showing the value of advice and the importance of financial planning, so we want to help advisers meet this.”

Stages of discovery

The Tracs team will work with advisers to go through five stages of discovery:

  • Business level decisions – regulatory permissions, branding, client service and nominee versus platform;
  • Investment philosophy – the criteria for the centralised investment process;
  • Operational arrangements – how Thesis would work with the advisers day to day and the creation of an investment committee if required;
  • Implementation – discussing how introducing a centralised investment process would impact on working relationships with clients; and
  • Review – ensuring that the service is working for the advisory business.

Cook added: “We have been working closely with IFAs to support them in many ways and listening to their feedback, so introducing this service felt like the next logical step.

“This service can work flexibly to assist advisers in whatever way they want us to, and we consult with them regularly to ensure the correct solutions are being implemented correctly and efficiently.

“Tracs allows advisers to make more effective use of their time, by releasing a number of people in the firm to help provide good quality advice to clients.

“By being consultative with advisers this solution will provide them with the confidence that their investment solutions will meet the increasing regulatory burden and not compromise on the quality of service they offer.”

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