South African regulator warns investors against Hong Kong firm
It believes the unauthorised company uses ‘boiler room tactics’
It believes the unauthorised company uses ‘boiler room tactics’
Deal increases assets under influence to around £700m
It wants to focus on its ‘strong international footprint’ in UK, EU, Middle East and Latin America
Advisers want to make sure they don’t ‘incur higher tax burdens’
It hopes to hire around 20 people for the newly created operation by the end of 2021
US and Swiss investors spent $4m to boost the firm’s tech offering
Following acquisition of a Hong Kong-based firm
As the firm reports 11% increase in funds under management
As it looks to expand its service proposition across the southeast
While it looks at other opportunities in the space
Roll out of financial advice venture raises questions about the firm’s role in the UK
Operation will be led by the group’s head of investor sales and relationship management