Janus Henderson: UK investors up home bias in rotation away from US equities
Investors dropped their US exposure ‘well below the global average’ and retreated to UK equities as global market volatility mounts
Investors dropped their US exposure ‘well below the global average’ and retreated to UK equities as global market volatility mounts
Market uncertainty is pushing gold to new highs, with elevated investor demand ‘likely to persist’
The CIO looks at how investors can navigate an investment environment of extremes as new governments globally get to work
Smera Ashraf, head of global wealth – UK at Aviva Investors weighs in on the balancing act
As the US presidential election gets ever closer, investors are warned to strap in for a bumpy ride
Bitcoin was compared to a fictional low-volatility asset called ‘boringcoin’
Strong August for the asset class has reminded investors of its strength as a diversifier
The multi-asset manager on why last Autumn was an opportunity
This year’s rally could be brought to a halt by politics, especially the US election
Opinions have been clouded by the Global Financial Crisis
63% of advisers believe volatility from central bank decisions and elections could threaten returns
Full-year results expected 23 May