Flaw in multi-asset funds exposes investors to greater risk
Close correlation between fixed income and equities to lead to ‘meagre returns’
Close correlation between fixed income and equities to lead to ‘meagre returns’
‘We have already taken action by banning the mass-marketing of speculative mini-bonds’ says FCA
But are these thrill seekers playing with fire?
It ‘provides a step-change in the right direction for advisers with clients in the decumulation phase’
Use of online platforms means they are twice as likely to have made gains during pandemic
Planning should go beyond interest earned on investments
While men seem more worried about how the pandemic may affect their money
To offer wealthy clients similar tools to the ones used by institutional investors
To help them with performance assessment reports, risk exposure and investment opportunities
A lack of volatility does not mean there is an absence of risk
As they look to technology to mitigate rising business risks
Heightened risk-taking at a time when retirees face greater longevity and less money