• australias regulator to monitor fofa changes

    australias regulator to monitor fofa changes

    The man behind plans to make major changes to Australia’s answer to RDR, assistant treasurer Arthur Sinodinos, took to Australian national television Tuesday night to discuss the controversial plans, and revealed that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission would be tasked with monitoring the changes, if they go ahead.

  • outsourcing a growing europe trend cerulli

    outsourcing a growing europe trend cerulli

    Europe’s growing regulatory environment is impacting the continent’s asset managers in a number of ways, including pressuring them to outsource key functions though the outsourcing direction “is not all one way”, according to Boston-based research firm Cerulli.

  • battle lines being drawn over australian rdr

    battle lines being drawn over australian rdr

    Special interest and consumer groups in Australia have begun to speak out over a government plan to make significant changes to the country’s recently-enacted package of investor protection laws, which were among the first globally to include a ban on the use of commissions as payment for providing financial advice.

  • australia govt to seek to water down

    australia govt to seek to water down

    Financial planners in Australia will “once again be able to earn commissions for selling a wide range of investment products” if a government plan to “water down investor protection laws” goes through, one of the country’s leading financial publications reported over the weekend.

  • fca sets deadline in clampdown

    fca sets deadline in clampdown

    The FCA has issued its finalised guidance on inducements, taking on its three main causes for concern in the relationship between product providers and advisers.

  • MiFID II could spell death knell for RDR

    MiFID II could spell death knell for RDR

    The UK’s Retail Distribution Review could be in danger of being overridden by the EU’s MiFID II directive.

  • jpm more restricted firms expected a year into rdr

    jpm more restricted firms expected a year into rdr

    JP Morgan Asset Managements Keith Evins believes larger advice firms in the UK will increasingly move towards restricted propositions as a result of the Retail Distribution Review.

  • half of ifas to reject closed end funds

    half of ifas to reject closed end funds

    More than half of discretionary fund managers will be placing business into investment trusts in the next six months, while almost half of financial advisers will reject the closed-end structure.

  • the start date of isle of mans rdr moved back

    the start date of isle of mans rdr moved back

    The start date of the Isle of Man’s answer to the UK’s Retail Distribution Review has been moved back to the first of February, 2014, from the first of the year, financial advisers, wealth managers and others on the island were informed yesterday.

  • jersey fsc publishes implementation details

    jersey fsc publishes implementation details

    Jersey’s financial regulator has published details of how it expects the island’s financial advisory industry to go about complying with changes proposed under its Review of Financial Advice (RFA) project, first unveiled in 2011.

  • two firms face enforcement action as

    two firms face enforcement action as

    Two firms in the UK are facing enforcement action and a number of others have been asked to amend practices after a Financial Conduct Authority review found evidence of life insurance and advisory firms “undermining the objectives of the RDR”.

  • when will the fca show its teeth over rdr

    when will the fca show its teeth over rdr

    This morning, the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority revealed its first review into the implementation of the RDR which found some advisers were claiming independent status when in fact they were offering a restricted choice of products or providers.