Jersey and Isle of Man ‘fail’ EU tax test
A campaigner against low tax regimes says an EU body scrutinsing zero-10 structures has concerns.
A campaigner against low tax regimes says an EU body scrutinsing zero-10 structures has concerns.
Jersey Finance has let go of its London representative in a shake-up of its operations
ABN Amro Bank of Jersey has named Chris Chambers to head up its investment services operation.
Opening an office in Hong Kong last year has significantly increased bank and corporate listings.
Jersey is to adopt UK RDR style regulations by 2014, International Adviser has learned.
Jesey and Guernsey’s financial services sectors lost jobs in the year to the end of June.
Financial regulators representing Guernsey, Jersey and the IoM have held their first summit.
Geoff Cook said there is still a lack of awareness of the benefits to the UK of Crown Dependencies.
Top Jersey lawyers cost more than comparable Guernsey ones, according to a law industry magazine.
Yesterdays meeting of the Code of Conduct Group ended with no announcements on zero-10, as expected
The 2008 collapse of Jersey’s Belgravia funds group has sparked a row in Malta.
Jersey’s FSC has strongly criticised two arms of Standard Banks Jersey operation.