India budget fails to impress non-residents
120-day stay threshold not addressed which puts NRI status at risk for some
120-day stay threshold not addressed which puts NRI status at risk for some
It will have ‘simple features and standard conditions’ to ‘reduce mis-selling and potential disputes’
Pharma industry expected to play a big part in global vaccination push
Who demand the return of the old system
Headcount in India has jumped 130% in two years
Which comes far down most people’s list of financial priorities
He will be based in Hong Kong
‘We do not expect a re-imposition of any large-scale lockdowns’ says Ashoka India Equity adviser
It will enable clients to transfer funds overseas using their laptops or mobile phones
He joins from online stock trading platform Motilal Oswal
Rural Indian consumers driving demand
Financial services and technology are popular sectors, but there is more out there