How UK expat clients can tackle rising IHT bills
Fines on families who broke inheritance tax rules jumped by a third to £2.28m last year
Fines on families who broke inheritance tax rules jumped by a third to £2.28m last year
HMRC ‘don’t hold back where they suspect inheritance tax has been underpaid’
Bereaved families are ‘increasingly filling government coffers’ due to frozen thresholds.
With 60% not knowing how much money they could leave their loved ones before IHT is incurred
Many more people will be impacted by inheritance tax in the future
But scheme did fail to save any inheritance tax
Average inheritance tax bill fell 1% to £214,000 in 2020/21 financial year
A £200m increase from last year
With 1,000 families already reclaiming in 2023/24
As majority of UK adults planning to pass on wealth in their lifetime have not considered how and when to do this
Anyone arguing that they are not UK-domiciled should create and maintain evidence, warns tax expert
13% more than in the same period last year