hmrc looks to simplify as it issues iht trust
HM Revenue & Customs has sought to reduce the complexity of the way inheritance tax trust charges are calculated, in a consultation document released late yesterday in London.
HM Revenue & Customs has sought to reduce the complexity of the way inheritance tax trust charges are calculated, in a consultation document released late yesterday in London.
As the very public inheritance row involving Frances richest woman, L’Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt, and her daughter might suggest, the younger generation does not always react with deferential gratitude to the share of the family fortune they are allocated.
Neil Chadwick, technical marketing manager for Royal London 360°, discusses the importance of using protection policies to cover anticipated inheritance tax liabilities.
Friends Provident International has unveiled a series of online seminars which are designed to educate and support advisers in relation to inheritance tax and trusts.
Prudential’s Gerry Brown shows how advisers may employ the new IHT tax incentives to advise clients
The UK Treasury today unveiled a consultation aimed at using tax to R&D and charitable donations.
Kleinwort Bensons Graeme Stenson provides an update on the current tools for IHT mitigation.
The European Commission has launched a public consultation paper looking into cross-border IHT.
Royal London 360° is launching a trust which aims to reduce the value of an individuals estate
UK nationals living and working in the US may be face UK tax liabilities through Living Trusts
The introduction of transferable nil rate bands for married couples and civil partners may at first glance mitigate the need for inheritance tax planning. But this is not necessarily the case and ther