Schroders unveils multi-themed fund in Hong Kong
Mixed asset product focuses on three structural trends
Mixed asset product focuses on three structural trends
Investors were cold-called and pressured into opening trading accounts to invest in securities
As it obtains approval to distribute its emerging markets sustainable equity fund in Hong Kong
Regulator has proposed restrictions on cryptocurrency exchanges in the territory
As it reportedly looks to expand in the region
As it plans to grow AuM in the region to $460bn within the same period
54% said they do not have enough in their retirement funds to finance their lifestyle once they stop working
They will be made available to retail investors in the region
‘Market stands out in its scale and growth potential’
Stashaway has hired wealth managers to service the HNW segment in the territory
Paul Thompson shares his plans with International Adviser
‘Proposed termination of the trust and the sub-funds would be in the best interests of the unitholders’