final qrops legislation published by hmrc
The final legislation for Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes has been published by HM Revenue & Customs on Budget day in the UK.
The final legislation for Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes has been published by HM Revenue & Customs on Budget day in the UK.
Barclays has been blocked by the UK government from using two highly abusive tax avoidance schemes, which it is claimed would have cost the UK Treasury around £500m in lost revenue.
HM Revenue & Customs said it plans to launch 30 new taskforces to crack down on tax dodgers, over the next two years.
HM Revenue & Customs has overhauled the way it deals with investigations into the most serious cases of tax fraud.
As the door shuts on the eight-week period during which HM Revenue & Customs was accepting comments on its plans to amend its QROPS regulations, Guernsey QROPS providers are pinning their hopes on the introduction of a new pensions scheme that would be open to islanders and non-residents alike.
The association representing Guernsey pension providers on Wednesday submitted its response to a package of changes HM Revenue & Customs has proposed to make to the legislation governing QROPS, taking issue as expected on an element of the plan known as Condition 4.
HM Revenue & Customs has fine-tuned its Liechtenstein tax amnesty disclosure scheme to make it easier to use, as the deadline for initiating a claim approaches.
Dave Hartnett, the HM Revenue & Customs official who was criticised by some politicians for his role in giving Goldman Sachs a break on tax monies owed, is to retire next summer, the agency said.
Draft legislation published by HM Revenue & Customs, aimed at eradicating bad practice in the QROPS industry, but which also appears to introduce potentially damaging tax measures, has received a mixed reaction from the QROPS industry so far.
HM Revenue & Customs has published a series of proposed legislative changes to the Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme regulations.
Concerns are being raised about low staff morale at the UKs tax department affecting the level of service taxpayers receive.
HMRC gained an extra £16.9bn in tax through investigations into avoidance and evasion, a record amount according to UHY Hacker Young.