Tax body chides UK Gov’t plan to jail accidental evaders
The UK Government’s pledge to introduce a criminal offence that could put unintentional offshore tax evaders behind bars has been criticised by the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT).
The UK Government’s pledge to introduce a criminal offence that could put unintentional offshore tax evaders behind bars has been criticised by the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT).
A financial adviser and a group of film producers who set up an international scheme are facing a trial for fraud.
A tax avoidance scheme which exploited the UK’s double-taxation agreement with the Isle of Man has been defeated by HM Revenue & Customs.
HM Revenue & Customs has “little incentive” to complete tax investigations after last year’s introduction of accelerated payment notices, a London-based law firm has warned.
Further High Court challenges to accelerated payment notices could have wider implications on UK taxpayers, a tax specialist warns, following the rejection of a judicial review in July.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has collected £1bn in tax payments from users of tax avoidance schemes as a result of the UK Government’s accelerated payment rules to collect disputed tax upfront.
UK-based financial services provider LDF is offering a loan facility to suspected tax avoiders to help them meet payment deadlines arising from accelerated payment notices.
An Australia-based overseas pension scheme has been added to HM Revenue & Customs’ approved list of qualified recognised overseas pension scheme (QROPS) after the body delisted thousands of schemes in July.
A case against pension administrator Capita which claimed there were “unreasonable delays” to an overseas pension transfer has been rejected by the Pensions Ombudsman Service (POS).
UK taxpayers are set to save a record £565m in inheritance tax this year by taking advantage of a Government scheme which offers relief to investors in small businesses.
Law firm Edwin Coe maps out the upcoming changes to the taxation of high net worth individuals in the UK, as announced in the last two Budgets.
The Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF) has been with us for nearly six years. It now only has a limited shelf life as it is due come to an end at the end of 2015, which is earlier than was previously planned.