Investors rally against firm after £9m losses
Hundreds of investors who lost around £9m in an allegedly fraudulent investment scheme are uniting to try to get their money back.
Hundreds of investors who lost around £9m in an allegedly fraudulent investment scheme are uniting to try to get their money back.
The UK’s financial watchdog carried out 20% more investigations last year, however, the number of inquiries being closed without reaching a public outcome has doubled in three years.
The FCA will conduct its first investigation of investment and corporate banking to determine whether competition in the sector is working effectively.
Robin Geffen’s call for the Financial Conduct Authority to make the disclosure of active share mandatory is the latest shout in what is a growing clamour for better ways to provide evidence of what he refers to as ‘truly active’ management.
Financial institutions in Jersey can now register clients with the US, as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) goes live in the jurisdiction.
An amendment to the Pensions Schemes Bill 2014-15 in the House of Lords last week has confirmed that anyone seeking to transfer out of a defined benefit pension scheme must seek advice from an FCA authorised pension adviser.
A man who claimed he was trading on foreign exchange markets has been jailed for seven years after conning investors out of £5.5m and splashing the cash on himself.
HM Revenue & Customs has proposed a tougher crackdown on users of multiple tax avoidance schemes.
Montello has received full regulatory status from the Financial Conduct Authority as a UK fund manager.
One of Europe’s largest banks is being closely monitored by the Financial Conduct Authority due to concerns over governance
Martin Wheatley, the chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority, has said he regrets his description of the regulators approach as shoot first, ask questions later.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has outlined plans to introduce extra protection for those accessing their pension pots in light of forthcoming reforms.