UK’s new IHT allowance seen as tricky to achieve
New inheritance tax thresholds on family homes introduced in the UK Government’s Summer Budget are more complex than many people realise, according to a specialist in estate planning and tax advice.
New inheritance tax thresholds on family homes introduced in the UK Government’s Summer Budget are more complex than many people realise, according to a specialist in estate planning and tax advice.
Law firm Edwin Coe maps out the upcoming changes to the taxation of high net worth individuals in the UK, as announced in the last two Budgets.
In the first 100% Conservative Budget in nearly two decades, chancellor George Osborne has introduced a raft of changes, including significant revisions to UK non-dom status.
The Serious Fraud Office is to cut its budget by 35% over the next financial year, despite a rise in the number of new investigations opened during 2014-15.
Pensions could be taxed like ISAs as part of a fundamental reform of tax relief, chancellor George Osborne said in today’s UK Budget.
The UK Government will abolish permanent non-dom status in a bid to raise £1.5bn in extra tax, chancellor George Osborne announced in today’s Summer Budget.
The UK’s chancellor of the exchequer has said serial users of tax avoidance schemes will be ‘named and shamed’ as he promised to introduce further measures to tackle evasion, avoidance and aggressive tax planning in his Summer Budget.
As chancellor allegedly George Osborne prepares to crack down on non-doms in Wednesday’s budget, experts have recommended offshore bonds as an alternative to those facing an increasing amount to protect their foreign earnings from UK tax.
The Association of Professional Financial Advisers (APFA) has urged the UK Government to overhaul financial regulation to reduce the burden placed on financial advisers.
The UK Government’s final Budget before the country takes to the polls in the general election in May revealed plans to extend pension reforms to allow existing annuity holders to sell their contracts from 2006.
International advice firm deVere has announced plans to “aggressively develop” in the UK and capitalise on the area’s improving economy and pension changes.
The UK governments last budget before the election revealed plans to extend its pension reforms to allow existing annuity holders to sell their contracts from 2006, offered a range of new incentives to save and tightened rules on tax avoidance.