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Swiss Life rolls out plans to MidEast and Africa

Swiss Life has rolled out two guaranteed investment products in the Middle East and Africa.


The Prosperity plan, as the first product is called, is designed to give investors a guaranteed income at a specified date in the future.

It also offers a guarantee of 105% of the capital invested on its fifth anniversary, increasing by 4% for every year the income is deferred.

For example, if income is deferred until the tenth year, a minimum of 125% of original capital would be guaranteed. The guarantee would then be paid as income over the following 15 years.
Swiss Life said there is also an option to lock in gains above the guarantee level on every fifth anniversary.

The second product, called Crystal, is aimed at investors looking to grow a sum of money within a protected structure. It provides 100% capital protection, and allows the client to lock in gains should the fund value reach a preselected level during the term, Swiss Life said.

Both products are fully invested through either external investment funds or through one of Swiss Life’s managed portfolios. They are available in euro and dollar denominations.

Swiss Life also said it plans to launch a third product, Serenity, later this year which will provide a death benefit guarantee.


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