Swiss firm aims to digitalise fund selection process

Zurich-based fund information provider fundinfo and its partner ifund services have launched Digital-Advisor, a fund selector that analyses both active and passive funds and match them to an investor’s preferences.

Swiss firm aims to digitalise fund selection process


The service is available in Europe and Asia, and covers thousands of funds from the world’s largest fund houses.

Its cloud-based fund selection system uses a set of scientific criteria derived from up-do-date and in-depth research on a wide range of factors to analyse data about fund houses, fund managers, and their investment processes. It then combines these results with an investor’s preferences and convictions to generate a list of recommended mutual funds and ETFs.

Targeted fund shortlists

Jan Giller, head of marketing and sales at fundinfo said Digital-Advisor can be used to obtain a short-list of attractive funds which can then be evaluated in greater detail with fund managers.

“Thanks to this unique technology, funds can be selected far better than with the usual past performance-related data,” Giller said.

He added that banks could combine the product with their in-house advisory services to rapidly identify funds that best reflect their customer’s specific requirements.

Gilller said Digital-Advisor takes advantage of the years of due-diligence performed on an ongoing basis by the fund experts at ifund services covering thousands of active and passive funds.

“By constantly monitoring the legally relevant aspects of each fund such as business scope of the fund house, ownership, legal terms, guidelines for the fund, employment of derivatives and leverage, etc., the tool also ensures that customers and advisors fulfill the regulatory requirements at all times,“ he said.

Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Switzerland, fundinfo has offices in Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Hong Kong, Singapore and Paris. It’s partner, ifund services, was founded in Zurich in 2000, and is an independent fund research firm which provides fund research, manager selection, and Digital-Advisor for fund selection.