study group recommends anti tax abuse rule

A government study group has, after an eleven month review, recommended that the UK government introduces a narrowly focused general anti tax abuse rule, but not a general anti-avoidance rule.

study group recommends anti tax abuse rule


The study group, which was led by commercial tax barrister, Graham Anderson QC, was made up of influential tax lawyers and barristers, was tasked with investigating the feasibility of introducing a GAAR in the UK.

It has now concluded that introducing a narrowly-focused GARR would:

  • deter abusive tax avoidance schemes;
  • contribute to providing a more level playing field for business;
  • reduce legal uncertainty around tax avoidance schemes; 
  • help build trust between taxpayers and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs; and
  • offer opportunities to simplify the tax system.

The group however, warned against introducing a “broad spectrum general anti-avoidance rule”.

The report recommends that the general anti-abuse rule should initially apply to the main direct taxes – income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax and petroleum revenue tax – as well as national insurance contributions. The report sets out in detail how the rule could be introduced and includes an illustrative draft rule. It also includes a summary of the views given by representative bodies from the tax sector.

Publishing the report Anderson said: “A general anti-abuse rule narrowly targeted to deter such schemes, while not affecting responsible tax planning, should lead to a fairer, more principled and ultimately simpler tax system; and I strongly recommend that such a rule should be introduced into our tax laws.”
In response, David Gauke, exchequer secretary to the Treasury, said the treasury will “carefully consider [the group’s] recommendations”.