standard life asia launches new single premium plan

Standard Life Asia has launched a single premium investment-linked insurance product called the Aspire Investment Plan.

standard life asia launches new single premium plan


The company said the new product was designed to suit the needs of affluent investors, with a simple charging structure, high flexibility and a wide range of investment choices.

Roy Halliday, chief executive – Hong Kong, said: “Aspire gives customers an investment plan with clear structure and the flexibility in determining the charges with their financial advisers. With the comprehensive fund platform of 300 authorised investment choices, we expect the plan will enable our customers to invest in the global financial market shrewdly to secure their future finances.”

The plan charges an initial fee of between 0.5% and 6% for each contribution, with a rate agreed between the adviser and client. It also offers customers extra units of investment choices with the amount ranging from between 0% and 3% of the initial contribution paid.

Once the contribution is made, Standard Life said customers will be able to choose from a wide range of investments, including different asset classes, markets and sectors to meet customer’s risk appetite and investment objectives.