Under the spotlight: product review of RL360° Quantum

In the first of a new series of three independent reviews of international life products, Brian O’Neill, consultant at Isle of Man-based actuary and consultancy firm Boal & Co, puts the spotlight on RL360°’s regular savings product called Quantum.

Under the spotlight: product review of RL360° Quantum


The online functionality of Quantum also offers convenience to clients. All switches and future premium redirections can be carried out on the online system, and up-to-date valuations can also be viewed and downloaded when required.

An automatic premium indexation option is also available to clients to allow them to increase future payments without having to spend time updating their savings level requirements each year. And in a time when a lot of products are charging clients for making their premium payments by credit card, RL360° have waived these fees on Quantum.

Loyalty bonuses are a popular feature on life products, but are often entwined with numerous caveats which mean that the client will often never see their bonus. This can be a ploy by some life companies to ensure their maturity projections look favourable against the competition. Quantum has a loyalty bonus that is applied at maturity. The bonus is dependent on the premium term, with the only caveat being that only the number of years that you have paid your premiums in full will count towards the bonus calculation. This means that there will always be some level of bonus applied, as opposed to other products that simply do not apply bonuses if certain conditions fail to be met.

When comparing Quantum to some other products in the market, it does compare favourably over shorter terms, where the significance of loyalty bonuses being applied are less. The below figures are based on a premium of £300 per month being paid over 10 years: