Spencer Lodge leaves Fund Advisers

Spencer Lodge, a former regional manager for deVere, has left Fund Advisers, a company he helped set up and which now operates in Dubai, South Africa and Russia.

Spencer Lodge leaves Fund Advisers


In a blog on its website, Fund Advisers said “after setting up the business and enjoying incredible success, culminating with 50% growth in the last year alone, Mr Lodge will depart”.

The management of the company will be handed to Danielle Suchley, who the company describes as Lodge’s “protégé”, and the rest of the management team. Fund Advisers added it had always been the long term strategy for Lodge to leave and hand his responsibilities over to the management team.

Lodge will have no further involvement in the operation of Fund Advisers.

“My plan from the beginning was always to set up a business on firm foundations and then hand over the reins to a focused, dedicated and talented leadership team who could take it to a new level,” said Lodge.

“My own history is filled with startups; I have opened and developed financial services businesses in many countries across the world, and I enjoy laying the groundwork for these ventures immensely – especially in the case of Fund Advisers. Now the time has come for me to move on and focus on new projects, and I am convinced that the team, headed up by Danielle, will do great things in 2015 and beyond.”

Fund Advisers said Lodge leaves the company “in great shape”, highlighting its 80 members of staff spread across three global offices.

The company also highlighted its recent employment of “Sales Commando” Doug Tucker. Tucker published a book early last year in which he laid out his top tips for becoming a “Sales Commando” – click here for some extracts.