South Africa Best Practice Adviser Award winners revealed

The winners in South Africa for International Adviser’s Best Practice Adviser Awards 2017 series were revealed on 5 October at the Vineyard Hotel in Cape Town.

South Africa


International Adviser Best Practice Adviser Awards South Africa 2017

Launched in partnership with Old Mutual International, these awards are designed to recognise those financial advisers within the industry that are, or have made, the transitions towards best practice.

Winners are:

Excellence in Social Media

Capta Wealth

Excellence in Professional Development
Private Client Holdings

Excellence in Marketing and Client Engagement

Carrick Wealth

Excellence in investment Planning

Ascor Independent Wealth Managers

Excellence in Data Management

Brenthurst Wealth Management

Excellence in Client Service
Carrick Wealth

Excellence in Business Strategy
Private Client Holdings

Best Adviser Firm – South Africa
Private Client Holdings

Congratulations to all the winners!