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Societe Generale shapes up for Asian growth

Societe Generale Private Banking has established a strategy committee to aid its expansion into Asia


Olivier Gougeon, previously south Asia chief executive, has become Asia Pacific, Singapore, Hong Kong and China CEO.

In another role change, Patrick Dreyfuss, Asia chief operating officer, takes on the additional position of regional deputy chief executive. 

The four-member strategy committee is tasked with formulating the private bank’s expansion plans in the region.

The committee is chaired by Alex Fung, Societe Generale’s Private Bank’s Hong Kong CEO. Its other members are Hsiao-Yun Lee, CEO of the bank’s China business, and Bruno Lèbre, a member of Societe Generale Private Banking’s global executive committee and supervisor of the private bank’s activities in Asia. Gougeon completes the quartet.

Societe Generale Private Banking has some 2,800 staff in 21 countries and around €84.5bn under management.

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