Skandia Int’l unveils risk tool and launches two funds

Skandia International has created an online risk rating tool and launched two funds.


The five funds are designed to help enable advisers to outsource asset allocation, fund manager selection and broader investment decisions on behalf of their clients.

The new products are Skandia Global Dynamic Bond Fund and Skandia Defensive Fund, both managed by Skandia Investment Group (SIG).

The remainder of the five-strong fund range – which the launches complete – constitutes Skandia Aggressive, Skandia Balanced and Skandia Cautious funds.

The Portfolio Builder tool, which is free to use, helps advisers determine a client’s risk tolerance by asking 11 questions. The answers are then analysed by the software and an asset allocation model is determined with the aim of delivering a target return above inflation.

A range of model portfolios is also available for advisers who wish to select funds themselves. The tool will provide an asset allocation for each of the five investment profiles and advisers can then select the funds they want to recommend within that asset allocation.

Michelle Andrews, commercial director at Skandia International, said: “We are seeing significant demand from financial advisers for investment solutions that are tailored towards the specific needs and expectations of their clients. 

“The Portfolio Builder has been developed with this in mind and can enable advisers to identify the risk level of their customers and build an investment portfolio that has a target level of investment performance within the required volatility associated with that risk level. 

We have taken care to make the Portfolio Builder easy to use so that it can save advisers time which they can spend more profitably with their clients.”