SJP unveils responsible investment training programme

To help its advisers integrate best practices when dealing with clients


Financial advice giant St James’s Place (SJP) has rolled out a training programme to support its advisers and partners with responsible investing.

The course will be made up of four parts covering the basics of responsible investments, proposition and solutions available to the SJP partnership, how to talk to clients about the topic, and how the wealth manager engages with companies on ESG factors.

Additional modules will be introduced in due course to cover the impact of climate change, attitudes to sustainability and the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) sustainability labelling regime.

The training programme will also count towards advisers’ continuous professional development (CPD).

Petra Lee, responsible investment consultant at SJP, said: “The training programme will help our advisers and partners better understand how to integrate responsible investment into conversations with clients. The training has been designed to not only assist with conversations but also embed processes into their businesses.”

Sam Turner, head of responsible investing at SJP, added: “Expanding our knowledge on best practice across our partnership and investment team is crucial if we are to be a leading responsible business delivering great client outcomes.

“We know this is an area where there is a lot of jargon, and it can be tricky for clients to understand what different approaches can be taken under the responsible investment umbrella. Speaking with an adviser can be a great way to align your investments with your sustainability goals.”