Six key moments can make or break a woman’s financial future

As the Talk to 10,000 initiative aims to boost their confidence to have conversations about money


The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) is urging its ambassadors to help women with their finances.

Insuring Women’s Future is a CII initiative that is working with the wider insurance and personal finance sector to improve women’s lifelong financial resilience and tackle their pension deficit.

The institute has challenged its ambassadors to ‘Talk to 10,000’ during Talk Money Week in November 2019.

The campaign will see people engage with at least 10 women, men, girls or boys about the landmark moments in women’s lives, and how they can improve their financial situation.

Understand financial lives

“There are six key moments in every girl and woman’s life when you can make a real difference to your financial security,” said Sian Fisher, chief executive of the CII.

“We want our ambassadors to make sure girls and women are aware of these moments and the steps they could take to become more financially resilient and independent.”

They are:

  • Growing up, studying, and re-qualifying,
  • Entering and re-entering the workplace,
  • Relationships: making and breaking up,
  • Motherhood and becoming a carer,
  • Later life, planning and retirement, and;
  • Ill-health, infirmity and dying.

Not equal yet

The institute’s challenge was underpinned by a study conducted by Jane Portas, partner at PwC, called Women’s Risks in Life, which found that they are still at a significant financial disadvantage to men.

As a result, the CII is hosting a training session and a webinar on how to educate women and equip them to improve their financial futures.

“You don’t need to work in the insurance profession or be a financial adviser – or even a woman – to be an Insuring Women’s Futures ambassador,” Fisher added.

“A financial wellbeing session isn’t about talking about someone’s detailed pension arrangements.

“The aim of ‘Talk to 10,000’ is to give women the confidence to have further conversations about money and point them towards organisations and financial advisers who could help them to take action to improve their financial future.”

The session will be led by Portas and take place on 24 September 2019 at Swiss Re’s office in London.

The webinar will be available on 26 September 2019.