Singapore police and regulator team up to investigate IFAs

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (Mas) and the white-collar crime unit of the city-state’s police force are teaming up to investigate all capital markets and financial advisory offences.

Singapore police and regulator team up to investigate IFAs


The announcement extends the 2015 Joint Investigations Arrangement between Mas and the Commercial Affairs Department (Cad), which covered market misconduct offences, such as market manipulation and insider trading.

It includes cover offences under the Securities and Futures Act (SFA) and Financial Advisers Act (FAA).

In a joint statement, the agencies said the expansion will allow for greater efficiency and more effective enforcement of capital markets and financial advisory offences.

“This arrangement will allow both agencies to consolidate their investigative resources and expertise and further improve the overall effectiveness of market misconduct investigations,” the agencies said.

To date, this partnership has resulted in three convictions for market misconduct. Several other cases are also before the courts.

The expansion in the scope of the Joint Investigations Arrangement will commence from 17 March.