sfo charges caymans fund adviser

The Serious Fraud Office has issued criminal proceedings against Magnus Peterson, founding director of the firm Weavering Capital UK which was investment adviser to a Cayman Islands hedge fund.

sfo charges caymans fund adviser


Swedish national Peterson, aged 49, of Otham village in the UK county of Kent, was charged with six offences:

  •          Two offences of false accounting contrary to Theft Act 1968
  •          One offence of fraudulent trading contrary to Companies Act 1985
  •          One offence of fraud by abuse of position contrary Fraud Act 2006
  •          Two offences of forgery contrary to Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981

The alleged offences took place on various dates during 2003 to 2009.

Weavering Capital UK is an English incorporated investment management firm, which went into administration on 19 March 2009, whose primary function was to act as investment adviser to a Cayman Islands incorporated hedge fund, Weavering Macro Fixed Income Fund.

On 19 March 2009 liquidators were appointed over the Macro Fund, which the SFO understood to have funds under management of $639m in late 2008. 

The first hearing in his case will take place at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 7 January 2013.