Schroders unveils £4bn UK investment solutions arm

It will offer funds and model portfolios ‘to meet growing demand’ from financial advisers


Schroders has launched Schroder Investment Solutions which will deliver a series of “low-cost” model portfolios and multi-asset funds.

In response to demands from financial advisers, Schroder Investment Solutions will deliver funds and model portfolios which meet a wide range of clients’ investment needs and risk profiles. The offering will be available on several platforms in May.

Alex Funk, who has been named chief investment officer of Schroder Investment Solutions, will oversee the management of £4bn ($5.53bn, €4.65bn) of assets, supported by his team of investment experts.

They will work alongside Schroders’ multi-asset team led by chief investment officer and head of multi-asset, Johanna Kyrklund.

Schroder Investment Solutions will also benefit from the input of Schroders economics team and independent research from Rayner Spencer Mills Research.


The model portfolio service will consist of the Schroder Active, Strategic Index and Sustainable ranges, offering an annual management charge of only 15bps. Each range will have between six and nine model portfolios covering a large spread of risk ratings. An income model portfolio will also be available.

Schroder Investment Solutions will also include two ranges of multi-asset funds, the Schroder Tactical Portfolios and the Schroder Blended Portfolios.

The Schroder Tactical Portfolios, which will be capped at 29bps, will enable investors to access Schroders funds traditionally unavailable to retail investors and allocate to lower-cost passive instruments where appropriate. The Schroder Blended Portfolios, which are a whole of market solution, have been rebranded from Schroder Portfolios to reflect their allocations to a mix of active and passive investments.

Schroders will “continue to provide support for financial advisers and their clients, both through its digital capabilities and in person with our UK business development team”.


Doug Abbott, Schroders head of UK intermediary, said: “Financial advisers have been telling us they want to see an accessible range of low-cost funds and model portfolios available on a wide range of platforms, we will be delivering on this.

“Advisers will have access to a series of solutions that will offer the full range of risk and return profiles, different investment styles including fully active, blended active-passive and sustainable, which are designed to deliver value at a competitive cost.

“We are excited at the prospect of working closely with financial advisers to ensure that the investment objectives of their clients continue to be met with these new products.”


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