Schroders merges European funds

Schroders has merged its retail European Fund into it Institutional European Fund


The £54m fund, that will keep the Schroder European Fund name, will also keep the same mandate which is to achieve capital growth by investing predominately in large cap European equities.

Its manager, Riitta Hujanen, will relinquish her responsibility for this fund and concentrate instead on her Schroder ISF Euro Active and the Schroder ISF Italian Equity propositions.

On 25 March, she will hand over to Martin Skanberg and Rory Bateman, the original managers of Schroder Institutional European Fund, with support from the firm’s European equity team.

Bateman, head of the European equity team, also manages the ISF European Large Cap and Schroder ISF European Equity Focus. Skanberg joined the firm in 2004 and also manages the Schroder ISF Euro Equity.


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